5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

KnowledgeCenters     Leadership KnowledgeCenter     Leadership Courses
For managers, difficult conversations can be immensely stressful. Handled the wrong way, this kind of conversation can also damage your work relationships and leave you feeling unsure of your abilities. However, with the right preparation and mindset, you can make sure that you communicate difficult news with tact and diplomacy.
In this course, you'll learn some basic guidelines about when and where to initiate difficult conversations, and useful steps for managing the associated stress. You'll learn how to prepare for a difficult conversation using a four-step process, so that you're confident and can make the conversation as constructive and diplomatic as possible. Finally, you'll learn how to demonstrate that you have the right mindset when communicating bad news to an employee.


How to Handle Tough Conversations

  • identify guidelines on when it's appropriate to have a difficult conversation
  • identify four steps for managing the stress of a difficult conversation
  • identify examples of how to analyze the facts when preparing for a difficult conversation
  • recognize examples of how to analyze emotions when preparing for a difficult conversation
  • recognize methods for identifying your goal and planning a difficult conversation
  • recognize ways to demonstrate the appropriate mindset during a difficult conversation
  • use techniques for handling difficult conversations