5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Certifications     Project Management Institute (PMI)®     Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® - PMBOK® Guide     Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® Exam - PMBOK® Guide - Sixth Edition
This course covers the Estimate Activity Durations and Develop Schedule project schedule management processes.


Determine Durations and the Schedule

  • identify the inputs to the Estimate Activity Durations process
  • identify tools and techniques of the Estimate Activity Durations process
  • recognize the parametric estimating formula
  • recognize the three-point estimating types
  • recognize examples of the outputs of the Estimate Activity Durations process
  • identify the elements of a typical project schedule
  • recognize the inputs of the Develop Schedule process
  • identify tools and techniques used for the Develop Schedule process
  • recognize characteristics of the critical path method
  • determine start and finish dates for activities in a given network diagram
  • identify techniques used to shorten overall schedule duration
  • identify outputs of the Develop Schedule process
  • perform a forward pass using the critical path method
  • perform a backward pass using the critical path method
  • identify the total float of each noncritical path
  • identify the free float of each activity on a noncritical path
  • identify the critical path and its characteristics
  • recognize how to create a schedule network diagram from a table
  • demonstrate your understanding of the Estimate Activity Durations and Develop Schedule processes