5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Network Security Specialist to CloudOps Security Architect     Business & Leadership for CloudOps Security Architect
The way in which teams are built is an important factor in determining a project’s success. Effective team management requires strong team leadership that clearly outlines your goals and standards of behavior.
In this course, you'll learn about the five stages of team development and strategies for selecting high-performing team members most suited for collaboration. You'll also learn some foundations for managing teams successfully, including how to set team goals, assign roles to individuals working on a team, and define specific guidelines for how team members should behave to minimize conflict and optimize teamwork.


Establishing a Team and its Goals and Roles

  • list the stages of team development
  • match personal qualities that team members should have with indicators of their presence
  • recognize the rewards derived from a collaborative approach to establishing team goals
  • sequence the steps that a given team should take to establish team goals
  • sequence examples of the steps for assigning team members to appropriate roles
  • recognize examples of effectively written guidelines for team conduct
  • identify examples of each category of team conduct guidelines
  • recognize strategies for forming a team and establishing its goals, roles, and guidelines