5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire L&B     First Time Manager Journey     Emotional Intelligence

To successfully lead others requires building emotional intelligence. This skill, sometimes referred to as Emotional IQ, or EQ, is the ability to understand how and why people relate and react to situations the way they do.  

In this course, you'll learn about emotional intelligence and the common characteristics shared by emotionally intelligent leaders. You will learn about the value of emotions and how they affect working relationships. You will also learn how to develop personal emotional intelligence skills like self-awareness and self-regulation. And you'll explore ways to build relational competencies like social awareness and social skills.


Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader

  • Becoming an Emotionally Intelligent Leader
  • identify the characteristics associated with the competencies of emotionally intelligent people
  • recognize the value of emotional intelligence in the workplace
  • Knowledge Check: Understanding Workplace Emotions
  • identify the skills required for self-assessment, self-regulation, and motivation
  • identify the skills associated with social awareness and social skills
  • identify behaviors to help you improve your personal emotional competency
  • identify behaviors to help you improve your relational emotional competency
  • Knowledge Check: Building Your Emotional Competency
  • reflect on what you've learned