5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Leadership Development Program powered by MIT SMR     Managing Conflict

Conflict is inevitable within any organization, and successful leaders must know how to manage conflict. Resolving conflict doesn’t have to be a negative force, and leaders can set the tone for conflict resolution, and how it's viewed by their teams.

In this course, you’ll learn strategies for managing team conflict at both the group and individual levels. You'll also learn how to use conflict as a positive force that can lead to innovation and an openness toward looking at the business in new ways.


Leading Others through Conflict

  • Leading Others through Conflict
  • recognize the characteristics of the interactionist perspective on conflict
  • recognize the impact a leader’s negative reaction to conflict can have on conflict in the workplace
  • recognize how to establish and use conflict as a positive and productive force in the workplace
  • Knowledge Check: Create a Positive Conflict Setting
  • recognize your role as facilitator of a conflict resolution discussion
  • recognize how to act when confronting your own conflicts
  • Knowledge Check: Taking Action on Conflict
  • reflect on what you've learned