5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Business Skills     Leadership     Improving Your Leadership Skills

"Successful leaders strive to communicate a sense of vision with integrity, building trust as both an individual and as a visionary leader.
This course provides a general introduction to visionary leadership, including its nature and its purpose. You will be guided through numerous techniques and methods for a leader to successfully communicate vision, such as personalizing and multiplying a clear message, communicating enthusiasm in an authentic way, and making the organization's vision the employees' own vision. "


Sharing a Vision

  • discover the subject areas that will be covered in this course
  • identify key concepts of a vision statement
  • recognize characteristics of effective vision communication
  • identify approaches to communication that resonate with employees
  • identify techniques for creating a message to communicate vision
  • recognize methods for effectively presenting a vision
  • Knowledge Check: Effectively Sharing a Vision