5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Collections     Essentials     Coaching

Successful businesses see the development of talent as an essential activity. This course identifies how coaching helps professional growth, how to develop relationships with coachees, assess their needs, and create goals to meet them.


Coaching Techniques That Inspire Coachees to Action

  • There is no objective for the Course Overview
  • identify ways that coaching helps individuals achieve professional success
  • recognize qualities to determine a candidate's suitability for coaching
  • recognize steps for assessing and addressing gaps in the coachee's performance and career performance
  • identify the elements of establishing an effective rapport in coaching sessions
  • identify the elements of effective questioning and listening in coaching sessions
  • Knowledge Check: Establishing Coaching Relationships
  • reflect on what you've learned