5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Security Analyst to Security Architect     Business & Leadership for Security Architects

Rapid advances in digital technology are compelling businesses to change and adapt the ways they operate. Developing agile thinking will help ensure your organization doesn't get left behind, unable to compete in a market that is constantly changing.

In this course, you'll learn why it's important for organizations to cultivate a culture of agility and the characteristics that distinguish an agile mindset from a fixed mindset. You'll also learn how to encourage and build an agile enterprise, and how doing so will help your business flourish. This course also covers how developing and supporting an agile mindset can benefit both your corporate culture and your business success.


Developing and Supporting an Agile Mind-set

  • Developing and Supporting an Agile Mindset
  • recognize the importance of the Agile mindset in digital transformations
  • identify the characteristics of the Agile mindset
  • identify the differences between an Agile mindset and a Fixed mind-set
  • identify actions that encourage the adoption of an Agile mindset
  • identify the requirements for building an Agile mindset culture
  • recognize how an Agile mindset culture can help a company succeed
  • Knowledge Check: The Agile Mindset