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SkillSoft Explore Course

Bootcamps     Leadercamps     Talent Development and Transformation Leadercamps

This is a recorded replay of the Talent Development and Transformation: Learning (and Leading) for Today and the Future Leadercamp Live session that ran on January 21st at 2 PM ET led by Benny Ramos, Solution Principal, Leadership & Business Solutions at .  

With rapid changes in technology demands and uncertainties related to the global pandemic, organizational growth hinges on employees with the right behavioral and technical competencies. Though digital transformation creates tremendous opportunities to address many challenges in our current time, it requires people to leverage the investment in these technologies, and leadership development which is agile and innovative to maintain engagement and morale.

Join this session to gain insights into:

• A look at what is driving the need for upskilling and reskilling.
• Why planning for new leadership and business mindsets now is so important
• How to build a successful development program in the digital era


Talent Development and Transformation: Learning (and Leading) for Today and the Future: Session Replay

  • Talent Development and Transformation: Learning (and Leading) for Today and the Future: Session Replay