5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Internet and Network Technologies Solution Area     Cloud Computing     Google Cloud Platform Fundamentals
Google Cloud Storage is unified object storage for developers and enterprises, from live data serving to data analytics/ML to data archival. In this course, you'll learn about the fundamentals of the Google Cloud Datastore and other storage options along with the basics of Big Data and Machine Learning with Google Cloud Platform.


Google Cloud Datastore

  • start the course
  • identify the purpose and characteristics of Google Cloud Datastore
  • define various datastore terms including kind, entity, property, keys, and entity groups
  • define development libraries, queries, and indexes
  • deploy an App Engine application backed by Google Datastore

Storage Options

  • identify the features of Google Cloud Storage
  • identify the features of Google Cloud SQL
  • identify the features of Google Cloud Bigtable
  • create a Google Cloud Storage bucket and use it to store images
  • view objects using the Cloud Storage Browser
  • identify considerations for deployment of Cloud Storage required Applications

Big Data and Machine Learning

  • identify characteristics and purpose of Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning platforms
  • recognize loading a CSV File Into a BigQuery Table
  • recognize querying data using the CLI
  • recognize querying data using BigQuery Web UI
  • recognize querying data using BigQuery Shell
  • perform interactive queries using BigQuery

Practice: GCP Storage

  • review the basic features of datastore, storage options, big data, and machine learning