5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Enterprise Database Systems Solution Area     Big Data     Apache Kafka
Apache Kafka's unique architecture enables huge scalability, but it must be deployed and managed in a considered fashion. This course covers the basic concepts of Apache Kafka, and considerations for deploying Kafka and managing servers.


Kafka Concepts

  • start the course
  • describe the function of Apache Kafka
  • describe the architecture of Apache Kafka
  • describe Apache Kafka topics
  • describe Apache Kafka partitions
  • describe Apache Kafka replicas

Kafka Components

  • describe Apache Kafka producers
  • describe Apache Kafka consumers
  • describe Apache Kafka brokers


  • describe common hardware and OS specifications and their impact in Apache Kafka
  • describe the main options to deploy Apache Kafka
  • deploy Apache Kafka to Red Hat and CentOS
  • deploy Apache Kafka to Puppet

Operating Tasks

  • add and remove a broker in Apache Kafka
  • move data and partitions in Apache Kafka for performance purposes
  • add a new topic in Apache Kafka
  • scale a producer in Apache Kafka
  • scale a consumer in Apache Kafka


  • monitor Apache Kafka using the web console
  • monitor Apache Kafka using the offset monitor
  • monitor Apache Kafka using Graphite
  • monitor Apache Kafka using JMX
  • monitor Apache Kafka using the log files


  • tune the Linux kernel for Apache Kafka
  • tune Linux systems disk throughput for Apache Kafka
  • tune the Java VM for Apache Kafka

Practice: Operate Apache Kafka

  • configure and manage Apache Kafka