5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Collections     Essentials     Android 8.0 for End Users (No Assessments)
From the Google Play Store you can view and download applications from a wide array of categories. During this course you will discover the Play Store, navigate its interface, and browse the selection of apps available for your Android 8 device. See how to install an application, and how to deinstall it, if needed. Quickly access your app with a shortcut from your home screen. Learn how to pin app icons to your home screen, group the icons, and use the icons to open your applications. The course also covers how to regularly update your apps to maintain their efficiency, survey your active apps with the Open Apps overview, pin app widgets to your home screen, and quickly access a part of the application.


Android 8.0: Installing & Managing Apps

  • navigate the Play Store on your Android device
  • install an application on your Android device
  • manage your Android device's applications
  • organize your Android device's applications
  • use Android widgets