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SkillSoft Explore Course

Productivity & Collaboration Tools     Microsoft Office 365     Outlook Office 365
With Outlook's suite of proofing and review tools, you can be sure that the emails you send will be clear, accessible, and error-free. Learn how to check your spelling and grammar, use the lookup, translation, and thesaurus tools, and make your message accessible to all recipients.


Outlook Microsoft 365: Proofing email

  • discover the key concepts in Outlook Microsoft 365: Proofing email course
  • use the spelling and grammar tools to check for errors in email text
  • configure the Outlook proofing settings to change how the spelling and grammar tools function
  • use and customize the AutoCorrect tools to correct frequently occurring mistakes in email text
  • use the Outlook word count and reference tools to obtain email statistics and find synonyms for specific words in an email
  • use the accessibility tools to correct and address accessibility issues in an email
  • use the translation tools provided by Outlook