5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     AgileDevelopment     Software Development and Testing with Agile
The Extreme Programming methodology is intended to improve software quality and responsiveness, as well as handle changing software requirements. In this course, you'll learn how Extreme Programming is a framework that aims to produce higher quality software and an efficient and positive way of life for the developers on the team. You'll dive deep into the Extreme Programming methodology including its concepts, life cycle, and roles. You'll explore source control tools such as GIT, as well as how they are used in Extreme Programming. By the end of the course, you'll have also learned the benefits of Extreme Programming, including the interconnected set of twelve practices and how the methodology as a whole is helping to integrate Agile into software development for an efficient and dynamic team.


Development & Testing with Agile: Extreme Programming

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe Extreme Programming (XP) concepts, including its roles, values, and benefits
  • describe extreme programming using a software development use case
  • recognize the planning game practice and its purpose
  • recognize the pair programming practice and its purpose
  • describe the effectiveness of pair programming as an Agile tool to develop software
  • recognize the test-driven development practice and its benefits
  • define the test-driven development cycle from beginning to end
  • describe the customer's role in XP
  • provide an overview of source control management and tools
  • describe source control tools and how they can be used in an Agile project
  • recognize the practice of continuous integration
  • demonstrate how continuous integration tools help Agile software development
  • describe the coding standard practice and its benefits to Agile software development
  • describe the concept of collective code ownership and its benefits
  • identify the practice of code refactoring
  • describe how code refactoring helps Agile software development based on examples
  • recognize the small releases practice and its use for iterative releases in Agile software development
  • recognize the system metaphor practice and its elements
  • describe the concepts behind the 40-hour week
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course