5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Web Programmer to Apprentice Programmer     Apprentice Programmer Track 3: Novice Programmer

This 9-video course explores the concept of web frameworks and how they can speed up development of web applications, and examines the Django framework, a widely used framework written in the Python language. Learners begin by studying fundamentals of web requests, the steps and software required when processing web requests for static and dynamic websites. This leads into examining tasks involved in building a website and how web frameworks can speed up the process. Next, you will look at the Django framework and its features that can help to simplify web development, and the components of a Django application that are involved in processing web requests. Continue by observing what templates are in the context of Django and their use cases, and comparing Django models to database tables; then look at the role of the Django object-relational mapping layer (ORM) in mapping the two. Conclude the course by examining some of the built-in Django apps that developers can integrate into their own projects.


Building Web Apps Using Django: Introduction to Web Frameworks & Django

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recall the steps and software required when processing web requests for static and dynamic websites
  • list the tasks involved in building a website and how web frameworks can speed up the process
  • recognize the Django framework features that can help to simplify web development
  • identify the components of a Django application that are involved in processing web requests
  • describe what templates are in the context of Django and list their use cases
  • compare Django models to database tables and describe the role of the Django ORM in mapping the two
  • enumerate some of the built-in Django apps that developers can integrate into their own projects
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course