5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer     Journeyman Developer Track 2: Senior Developer

This 14-video lab course is the second in a 3-course series on learning how to use Git and GitHub. In this hands-on course on Git, participants will solidify their use of many fundamentals in Git's version control tool. This course demonstrates how the Git ecosystem simplifies setting up source code repositories, and how GitHub makes it easy to use GitHub to collaborate with other developers who use Git. Learn to use the command line to create and manipulate local repositories, while expanding your knowledge of the fundamentals of this version control tool. As you progess, create and initialize your own local Git repository on your workstation and add new files to your project; modify existing sources; and delete content from your local Git repositories. The course will show you how to set up a secure shell (SSH) key to push your code to a remote GitHub repository. Finally, participants will learn to use GitHub's online tools to assist in keeping track of their branches.


Git & GitHub: Working with Git Repositories

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • configure your Git client with your own information
  • create a local Git repository and commit code to it
  • set up a remote Git repository on GitHub
  • connect your local Git repository to a remote one on GitHub using SSH
  • push commits from your local Git repository to a remote repo
  • recognize the steps required to add new files to your Git repository
  • make changes to existing files in your Git repo and push those modifications to the remote repo
  • view the commit history of your repository
  • recognize the effect of creating Git branches and recording commits on them
  • remove files from your repository as well as your development workspace using Git
  • identify the steps required to merge a feature branch to the master of a Git repository
  • merge a feature branch to the master of your local Git repo and push the changes to the remote repo
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course