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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Apprentice Developer to Journeyman Developer     Journeyman Developer Track 2: Senior Developer

GitHub is more than just a repository, as this 16-video course demonstrates. The last of a 3-course series, this course examines the project management features available on GitHub. Participants will continue to use GitHub's suite of tools to manage their source codes in the project you began in the previous course. Such features will help you to keep track of your application source code. When developing code, it is common to work in a team environment, and often there are multiple collaborators on a single code branch; GitHub's many tools and features will assist in managing these multiple branches. First, learn how to add a collaborator to your GitHub project. You will then learn to work with collaborators' pull requests and how to merge branches on GitHub. When branches are merged, conflicts can arise; here you will examine and learn how to manage such conflicts. Finally, GitHub's many tools and features also provide several approaches to gather statistics; Tags to manage releases, as well as issues; milestones; and project boards to track progress.


Git & GitHub: Using GitHub for Source Code Management

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recall the purpose of a pull request and the steps involved in creating and approving them for a Git merge operation
  • add a teammate to collaborate with you on GitHub
  • recognize the steps involved for a merge when a collaborator raises a pull request
  • identify the situations which can lead to a merge conflict and how these could be resolved
  • recognize the purpose of a Git pull operation to keep your local repository in sync with the remote repo
  • view statistics related to your GitHub repo using the insights feature
  • label specific commits in your repository's history using tags
  • manage the tags associated with your repo by removing them from your local as well as remote repositories
  • document and track issues related to your application using GitHub issues
  • group similar GitHub issues together using milestones
  • track the progress of issues created for your repository using project boards
  • document information about your GitHub repo using the Wiki feature
  • enable organized collaboration with teammates using GitHub Organizations
  • create a local copy of a remote GitHub repo by generating a clone
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course