5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Cloud Computing and Virtualization     Amazon     AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021

Working with the full breadth of cloud services in AWS requires access to tools outside of those housed in the AWS Management Console. Use this course to learn how to interact with the many cloud services in AWS. Learn to install, configure, and use the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) to connect and interact with AWS services and resources. Explore why and how to use Amazon API Gateway. Create an EC2 environment and write a sample application using AWS Cloud9. Then, create and test a simple HTTP API using a Lambda function and the API Gateway. When you're done, you'll be able to make API calls to AWS services using the AWS CLI and SDKs. This course is part of a collection that prepares you for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.


AWS Developer Associate 2021: Cloud Services

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe how the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) can be used for interacting with AWS services and resources
  • describe the options for configuring the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • describe the features and components of the Cloud9 IDE and the activities it's used for
  • describe the features and components of the Amazon API Gateway and outline the tasks it's used for
  • describe how to configure security and logging for the Amazon API Gateway
  • install the AWS CLI on a Windows 10 development machine
  • install the AWS CLI on an Ubuntu Linux 18.04 development machine
  • install the AWS CLI on a macOS development machine
  • install the AWS CLI using Docker
  • use the AWS Command Line Interface to connect to DynamoDB, Amazon EC2, and AWS Identity Access Management (IAM)
  • create an EC2 environment and write a sample application using AWS Cloud9
  • create and test a simple HTTP API using a Lambda function and the Amazon API Gateway
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course