5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Certifications     Amazon     AWS Certified Developer - Associate     AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021
Data storage and management is central to any application. AWS offers several different types of databases and database services for virtually any type of application. And as a developer, it's important to recognize the various database offerings on AWS Cloud.
Learn about the functionality of Amazon’s suite of database solutions, including Amazon Relational Database Service, Amazon DocumentDB, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon ElastiCache, and Amazon Keyspaces. Next, explore features of Amazon Neptune Database, Amazon Quantum Ledger Database, Amazon Aurora, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon Timestream. Create and configure an Amazon DocumentDB service and insert and query data. Finally, create a keyspace and table using Amazon Keyspaces, and perform CRUD operations.
After completing this course, you will be able to confidently distinguish between Amazon’s database options to select the solution that fulfills your business needs. This course is one of a collection of courses that prepares learners for the AWS Certified Developer - Associate 2021 certification exam.


AWS Developer Associate 2021: Database Services

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the features and components of the Amazon Relational Database Service
  • outline the features and components of the Amazon DocumentDB Service
  • identify the features and components of the Amazon DynamoDB Service
  • illustrate the features and components of the Amazon ElastiCache Service
  • describe the features and components of the Amazon Keyspaces Service
  • recognize the features and components of the Amazon Neptune Database Service
  • identify the features and components of the Amazon Quantum Ledger Database Service
  • outline the features and components of the Amazon Aurora Database Service
  • describe the features and components of the Amazon Redshift Database Service
  • recognize the features and components of the Amazon Timestream Database Service
  • create and configure an Amazon DocumentDB service and insert and query data
  • create a keyspace and table using Amazon Keyspaces and perform CRUD operations
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course