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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Graph Analytics     Graph Analytics Track 4: Graph Modeling with Apache Spark
Apache Spark, which is a widely used analytics engine, also helps anyone modeling graphs to perform powerful graph analytics. GraphFrames, a Spark package, aids this process by providing various graph algorithm implementations. Use this course to learn about GraphFrames and the application of graph algorithms on data to extract insights.
Explore how GraphFrames complements the Apache Hadoop ecosystem in processing graph data. Getting hands-on, construct and visualize a GraphFrame. Practice querying nodes and relationships in a graph and finding motifs in it.
Moving along, work with the breadth-first search and the shortestPaths functions to find paths between graph nodes. And finally, apply the PageRank algorithm to arrive at the most relevant nodes in a network.
Upon completion, you’ll be able to use GraphFrames to analyze and generate insights from graph data.


Graph Modeling on Apache Spark: Working with Apache Spark GraphFrames

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • outline Apache Hadoop and its ecosystem, describe GraphFrames and their capabilities, and recognize where GraphFrames fit into the Apache Hadoop ecosystem
  • download and install Apache Spark and set up your IDE with GraphFrames
  • construct a GraphFrame starting with the definition of its nodes and edges
  • define functions to present a directed as well as an undirected graph
  • demonstrate the identification of the most and the least-connected nodes in a graph
  • apply filters on the nodes in a graph at the DataFrame and the GraphFrame levels
  • apply filters on the edges of a graph and apply aggregation operations on them
  • search for patterns of relationships between the nodes in a Spark GraphFrame
  • illustrate how to find chains of connections as well as cycles in a GraphFrame
  • use the breadth-first search and the shortestPaths functions to find the shortest paths between nodes in a graph
  • apply the PageRank algorithm to identify triangles of connections in a graph and calculate the page rank for a graph of connected web pages
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course