5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Enterprise Database Systems Solution Area     Data Science     Data Mining and Decision Making
Data preparation transforms raw data into datasets with stable structures suitable for predictive analytics. This course shows you how to produce clean datasets with valid data to ensure accurate insights for sound business decision-making.
Examine the role data sources, systems, and storage play in descriptive analytics. Explore best practices used for data preparation, including data collection, validation, and cleaning. Additionally, investigate some more advanced data exploration and visualization techniques, including the use of different chart types, summary statistics, and feature engineering.
Upon completing this course, you'll know how to gather, store, and analyze data to make reliable predictions and smart business decisions.


Data Mining and Decision Making: Data Preparation & Predictive Analytics

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize the primary industrial and commercial data sources around us and use this knowledge to select a suitable data source for your business processes
  • define key characteristics and requirements for a reliable data collection pipeline
  • describe the purpose of the data validation process and name the major steps involved in it
  • outline several ways to clean a dataset and describe why data cleaning is necessary
  • specify how summary statistics can be used to explore and prepare a dataset and define what's meant by measures of frequency and central tendency
  • specify how summary statistics can be used to explore and prepare a dataset and describe measures of dispersion and statistics
  • identify how data visualization done correctly can become a key business driver
  • name advanced visualization techniques and describe their use cases
  • outline how feature generation can be used to facilitate business decision-making
  • outline how feature reduction can be useful when producing business analytics
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course