5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Infrastructure Support Engineer to CloudOps Engineer     CloudOps Engineer Track 3: CloudOps Apprentice

The components of Splunk provide CloudOps practitioners with reliable methods to give their data meaning and structure in efficient ways. In this course, you'll examine various Splunk components used to create reports, including datasets, data models, and inheritance. You'll also explore the primary components of Splunk's Search Processing Language, some best practices for designing data models with Splunk, and the different types of lookup configurations you can create in Splunk.

You'll then use the Data Model Editor to design a data model and create charts, dashboards, and reports for visualizing ingested data. You'll use commands in Splunk to transform search results into data structures. You'll create pivot reports, lookup files, alerts, and search macros. Lastly, you'll learn how to run Splunk reports automatically.


CloudOps Machine Data Analytics: Working with Splunk Components

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the data model, datasets, dataset fields, field types, categories, and inheritance used to create reports in Splunk
  • use the Data Model Editor in Splunk to design a new data model and add a root event dataset and root search dataset to the data model
  • describe the key components of Splunk Search Processing Language that can be used to achieve expected outcomes from datasets
  • demonstrate the use of commands in Splunk to transform search results into data structures used to represent statistics and build required data visualizations
  • create charts and reports for visualizing ingested data in Splunk
  • use Splunk to create dashboards and add reports, charts, and search results to the dashboards
  • recognize the best practices that need to be adopted when designing data models in Splunk to ensure the models fulfil reporting requirements
  • use Splunk to create pivot reports that reflect aggregation of the values of one column with respect to the values of another column
  • define the concept of lookups and describe the different types of lookup configurations that can be created in Splunk to add fields from external data sources
  • use Splunk to create and use lookup files to create lookup definitions
  • use Splunk to schedule the process of setting up triggers to run reports automatically
  • create and configure alerts in Splunk by running search queries and saving the results as alerts
  • create and use the search macro in Splunk to implement reusable blocks of search processing language
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course