5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Javanista to Java Master     Javanista to Java Master Track 4: Spring Data

Final Exam: Spring Data will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Spring Data track of the Aspire Javanista to Java Master Journey.


Final Exam: Spring Data

  • apply Spring's RowMapper to operate on each row of a query execution's results and generate a Java object
  • apply the @Query annotation to map queries to be run against a database to a method in a CrudRepository
  • call various CrudRepository methods that are implemented by default by the Spring framework
  • configure a batch process to transform XML input into CSV
  • configure a CrudRepository that enables basic CRUD operations on data
  • configure database tables and their corresponding entities in a Spring application to represent a many-to-many relationship
  • create a batch process to read data from a JSON file and load it into a relational database table
  • create a project that uses Spring Data JPA, Hibernate, and a relational database
  • define an entity class that maps to a relational database table
  • define an ItemReader component to read data from a CSV file and create Java objects for each row in the input file
  • define custom queries that bind to parameters passed to a CrudRepository method
  • define custom queries that can be referenced by names in a CrudRepository
  • define database tables and their corresponding entities in a Spring application to represent a many-to-one relationship
  • develop a customized FieldSetMapper to load CSV data into Java objects
  • enable logging in your Spring application to view the translation of CrudRepository methods into SQL queries
  • execute a Spring Batch process and identify the role played by various components in the application
  • identify the features of Spring, Spring Data, and Spring Data JDBC that can be used to implement database operations from a Java application
  • instantiate and persist objects that have a many-to-many relationship with one another
  • load entity data from Java objects to a database table from a Spring Boot app
  • read data from a database and write its contents into a JSON file
  • recognize the features offered by Spring Batch to make batch processing easier and more robust
  • retrieve and read entities from a database table using a CrudRepository's findBy methods
  • search for entities based on patterns in a string property
  • search for entities based on ranges of values in numeric and date fields
  • set some of the core components of a Spring Batch application, such as a data source and transaction manager
  • set up a class that represents an entity to be persisted into a database table using Spring Data JPA
  • set up derived query methods that search for entities based on the values of multiple properties
  • set up update and delete operations in a CrudRepository
  • use a JdbcTemplate instance to connect to a database and run a query
  • use Spring Boot and Spring Initializr to set up a project that adopts Spring Data JPA