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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Serverless Deployments for Developers     Serverless Deployments Track 1: Beginning with Serverless Solutions

Final Exam: Beginning with Serverless Solutions will test your knowledge and application of the topics presented throughout the Beginning with Serverless Solutions track of the Aspire Serverless Deployments for Developers Journey.


Final Exam: Beginning with Serverless Solutions

  • compare multi-cloud architecture patterns for building portable applications
  • compare the prominent AWS Lambda–supported languages from the perspective of cold start performance, warm performance, cost, and ecosystem
  • configure and set up a simple Python HTTP GET endpoint on GCP Cloud Functions
  • configure Kubernetes environment for multi-cloud application portability
  • convert an existing Node and Express-based application to a Serverless-friendly application in the cloud
  • create a simple REST API with Python running on AWS Lambda and API Gateway using the traditional Serverless Framework
  • define portability and list challenges and elements to be considered when designing and developing a portable software
  • define the concept of FaaS and recall programming models that help developers in selecting serverless architecture and runtime
  • deploy an HTTP Node.js Azure Function and demonstrate how to read properties and set a result back to Azure
  • describe technology evolution and benefits of the serverless mindset
  • describe the approach of using an open-source serverless framework for developing and deploying serverless computing solutions across cloud service providers
  • describe the elements and categories of cloud computing portability and interoperability
  • describe the features of Azure Functions and outline how to select the right programming language to implement Azure Functions Runtime
  • describe the features of different serverless systems and how they help facilitate computing, storage, and queue processing
  • describe the OpenAPI specification and features of prominent tools that work with OpenAPI
  • describe the purpose of different serverless pattern categories
  • differentiate between the characteristics of serverless computing and Platform as a Service (PaaS)
  • distinguish between the features and use cases of serverless and container deployment
  • distinguish between the features of service-oriented and serverless architecture and identify the business benefits of the latter
  • identify application design principles for designing interoperable software applications that can be integrated with other products
  • identify the differences between containerized and serverless implementation and describe the considerations for their selection as an appropriate strategy
  • identify the features and advantages of serverless architecture
  • install and configure node dependencies to build and deploy REST APIs using Serverless, Express, and Node.js on AWS
  • list common architectures that integrate serverless approaches and identify factors to consider when implementing a serverless architecture
  • list the major serverless providers and the popular serverless frameworks that enable developers to explore the aspects of serverless computing
  • outline characteristics, benefits, and applications of serverless architecture
  • outline considerations for selecting a serverless implementation
  • outline the changing dimensions of application operation and usability offered by serverless application architectures
  • outline the development lifecycle and role of specification in maximizing portability
  • recall benefits, challenges, and use cases of multi-cloud
  • recall prominent serverless development and deployment technologies and map them to serverless solutions
  • recall the concept of containerization and components of a typical containerization platform that provides portability
  • recall the journey of cloud computing from the shared mainframes era to managed cloud solutions
  • recall the languages that can be used to develop serverless applications for diversified serverless providers
  • recognize differences between DevOps and NoOps and describe the impact of NoOps on serverless deployment
  • recognize how serverless architectures change development processes and impact businesses
  • recognize key principles and classes of strategies that help achieve greater portability in software and service units
  • recognize prominent serverless computing platforms and the advantages of runtime
  • recognize the types of Cloud Functions provided by GCP to implement serverless applications along with the language runtimes supported by GCP to write Cloud Functions
  • use Node.js to set up a simple HTTP GET endpoint on GCP