5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Software Development Solution Area     Go     Web Programming in Go
The Go Programming Language, also known as Golang, offers a powerful development environment for building web applications. Statically typed and similar to C in its syntax, Go offers structural type, memory safety, and garbage collection, and has become a popular choice for web development. In this course, you'll learn the basics of web development with Go, including the way web applications work, how HTTP factors into web development, web architectures, and the structure of web applications.
You'll explore web development with Go and how web applications work. Next, you'll learn about the role of HTTP in web development, including how to create HTTP requests and generate HTTP responses. Then, you'll examine web architectures and how web applications are structured, including the purpose of multiplexing and http.Handler wrappers. Finally, you'll learn about the Go template package and how to create a basic structured web application using Go.


Web Programming in Go: Web Development Basics

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the need for Go in web development
  • describe how web applications work and the benefits of web applications
  • describe the role of HTTP in web programming and the differences between HTTP 1.x and 2
  • describe HTTP requests and HTTP request methods and headers
  • demonstrate how to create HTTP requests using Go
  • describe HTTP responses and HTTP response status codes and headers
  • demonstrate how to test HTTP using the httptest package in Go
  • describe the role of web architectures and clean methods for structuring web applications
  • describe best practices for structuring Go web applications
  • describe the purpose and features of multiplexing and how the Go multiplexer package is used
  • describe the purpose and features of http.Handler wrappers in Go
  • describe the purpose and features of the Go template package
  • demonstrate how to create a basic structure for a Go web application
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course