5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Software Development Solution Area     Java 2 Programming     Object-Oriented Programming in Java

In this course, you will learn the role of constructors and how to use the super keyword in architecting inheritance hierarchies in Java. You will begin by identifying the role of access modifiers and recognizing the basics of superclass constructors. When you add your own constructor, you will see that Java takes away the default no-argument constructor it had provided. You will learn how to apply the two ways of initializing derived classes: implement an explicit no argument constructor in the base class or use the super keyword and have only parameterized constructors in both the base and derived classes. You will recognize that a base class's constructor is invoked when a derived class object is instantiated and identify what happens when there is a base and derived class that have many different constructors. You will be able to initialize member variables: add a member variable into a derived class and ensure it is correctly initialized, even in addition to any invocations of the base class constructor.


Java OOP: The Role of Constructors in Inheritance

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify the role of access modifiers and recognize the basics of constructors
  • recognize when you add your own constructor, Java takes away the default no-argument constructor it had provided
  • apply the two ways of initializing derived classes - implement an explicit no argument constructor in the base class or use the super keyword and have only parameterized constructors in both the base and derived classes
  • recognize that a base class's constructor is invoked when a derived class object is instantiated
  • identify what happens when there is a base and derived class that have many different constructors
  • add a member variable into a derived class and ensure it is correctly initialized, even in addition to any invocations of the base class constructor
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course