5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Developer to Software Architect     Software Architect Track 1: Developer

The binary heap, the data structure used to implement a priority queue, is an interesting data structure. Recognizing how best to work with the binary heap is part of creating sturdy and fast software programs.

In this course, you'll explore the binary heap data structure used to implement a priority queue in a performant and efficient manner. You'll recognize how the binary heap is essentially a binary tree that satisfies two additional constraints: the heap property and the shape property.

You'll examine how the binary heap can be represented using an array and how it allows us to implement add, remove, and access operations on a priority queue in an extremely high-performing manner. Finally, you'll learn how the binary heap helps us implement an efficient sort algorithm: the heap sort.


Advanced Data Structures & Algorithms in Java: Working with the Binary Heap

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • explain the common operations to be performed on a priority queue
  • describe how a binary heap data structure functions
  • explain the array implementation of a binary heap
  • summarize the heapify operation on a binary heap
  • recognize how insert and remove works on a binary heap
  • write code for the base class operations in a binary heap
  • implement the maximum heap
  • perform operations on a maximum heap
  • implement the minimum heap
  • recognize the functioning of the heap sort algorithm
  • describe how the heapify in the heap sort works
  • explain how the heap sort is used for sorting
  • write code for the heapify operation in heap sort
  • implement the sort functionality in heap sort
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course