5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Java Novice to Javanista     Java Novice to Javanista Track 3: Javanista
RowSet is a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) object that holds tabular data in a form that makes it more adaptable and easier to use. Explore how to enable database operations from within your Java application using RowSet type in JDBC with the help of this course.
Explore RowSets within JDBC and how they don't just represent the results of query execution, but include methods to connect to and run queries against a database as well. The course will also help you examine JdbcRowSets in detail and distinguish it from CachedRowSets.
After finishing the course, you'll have an understanding of RowSets in JDBC and how connected and disconnected RowSets differ from each other.


Java Database Connectivity (JDBC): Interacting with Databases using RowSets

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • use a JdbcRowSet to connect to and run queries against a database and parse the results
  • recognize some of the important settings of a JdbcRowSet and its default values
  • move to different positions in a JdbcRowSet by using various navigation methods
  • describe how the connected nature of a JdbcRowSet can be used to get any updates from underlying data
  • update the content of existing rows in a database table using a JdbcRowSet
  • add and delete rows from a database table using a JdbcRowSet
  • describe the similarities between a JdbcRowSet and a CachedRowSet
  • recognize the differences between a JdbcRowSet and a CachedRowSet
  • update data in existing rows of a database table with a CachedRowSet
  • perform insert and delete operations with a CachedRowSet
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course