5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Javanista to Java Master     Javanista to Java Master Track 1: Unit Testing
JUnit, the Java unit testing framework, can be used with an IDE but also with a build system, such as Maven. Furthermore, JUnit ConsoleLauncher, a stand-alone application, can be used to launch the platform from the command line. This course will dive deep into the use of Maven as well as the JUnit ConsoleLauncher to run all and specific test cases in your application.
Begin by running all test cases you have written for your app using Maven. Then run specific tests and define groups of tests using JUnit tags. Next, run the tests from the command line. Finally, execute such tests using the JUnit ConsoleLauncher, which can be run from a shell without other tools such as Maven.
Upon completing the course, you'll be able to execute JUnit test cases from the command line using Apache Maven and the JUnit ConsoleLauncher.


Unit Testing: Executing JUnit Tests

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • compile and run enabled test cases in your project using Apache Maven
  • use Apache Maven to execute only specific test cases based on class name, method name, or tags
  • compile and run enabled test cases in your project using the JUnit ConsoleLauncher
  • specify test cases to be included or excluded in a test execution launched from the ConsoleLauncher based on class name or tags
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course