5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Java Novice to Javanista     Java Novice to Javanista Track 3: Javanista
The HttpURLConnection is the oldest implementation of an HTTP client in Java and is still widely used today due to its simplicity and the fact that it is very lightweight. Use this course to familiarize yourself with different forms of HTTP requests.
Try your hand at constructing a basic GET request to retrieve data, submitting it to a remote server, and processing the response that is returned. You'll also examine the use of a POST request to submit data to create a resource at a server, a PUT request to update a resource, and a DELETE request to remove it. You'll also look into setting a timeout for requests that take too long to process.
After finishing this course, you'll be able to identify various HTTP requests and how these can be formulated and communicated in a Java app using the HttpURLConnection class.


HTTP Requests in Java: Sending Simple HTTP Requests

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • set up a Maven project to build the HTTP client application
  • use the HttpURLConnection to configure and send an HTTP GET request
  • recognize various fields available in the response returned for an HTTP GET request
  • transform the body of an HTTP response containing JSON data into a formatted JSON string
  • include query parameters when submitting an HTTP GET request by adding them to the URL
  • set up and send an HTTP POST request along with JSON data in the request body
  • send HTTP PUT and DELETE requests to modify or delete a resource at the server
  • describe the role of a HEAD request to obtain information about a resource
  • set an upper limit on the amount of time you can wait for an HTTP request
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course