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(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Project Management     Advanced Agile for Software Projects

This 13-video course helps learners explore Agile tools and their role in software development, along with other topics. Begin with a look at how Agile tools such as initiatives, themes, epics, and stories help define and manage scope better than traditional scoping methods do. Learn to identify best practices of using modularity, coupling, and cohesion concepts in Agile software design, and how to overcome the challenges of integrating Agile with UX design. Examine how concepts of extreme programming help integrate Agile into software development based on examples, and how continuous integration helps Agile software development, also based on examples. Learn about the effectiveness of pair programming, and the benefits of using test-driven development. Delve into code refactoring; best practices for the Agile coach; and best practices for overcoming the challenges of working with distributed teams in an Agile environment. The final tutorial looks at the parameters used to assess an organization to determine its Agile maturity.


Advanced Agile: Software Development Concepts

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize how Agile tools such as initiatives, themes, epics, and stories help define and manage scope better than traditional methods for scoping
  • identify best practices of using modularity, coupling, and cohesion concepts in Agile software design
  • describe how to overcome the challenges of integrating Agile with UX design
  • describe how concepts of extreme programming help integrate Agile into software development based on examples
  • describe how continuous integration helps Agile software development based on examples
  • recognize the effectiveness of pair programming as an Agile tool to develop software
  • identify the benefits of using test-driven development in a software project
  • describe how code refactoring helps Agile software development based on examples
  • describe best practices to be adopted by an Agile leader to build and mentor Agile teams for a software project
  • recognize best practices to adopt for overcoming the challenges of working with distributed teams in an Agile environment
  • identify the parameters used to assess an organization to determine its Agile maturity
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course