5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Software Project Analyst to Senior Software Project Manager     PM Track 2: Software Project Lead

Properly defined scope statements, designing flow diagrams, establishing roles and responsibilities, and applying different methods of effect analysis all aid in business analysis and improving project processes. This 14-video course explores how a project analyst implements business analysis practices into software project management for execution, monitoring, controlling, and continuous improvement of a project. Begin with a look at the components of a scope statement and how to create it, then examine the steps involved in creating a business analysis plan. Learn how flow diagrams can be used to improve project processes; how the roles and responsibilities matrix can be used to specify ownership of project activities among team members; and recognize the need to track defects through reviews. Explore failure-mode effect analysis; cause-and-effect analysis; and the process of user acceptance testing. Learn to differentiate between quality assurance and quality control; recognize the importance of data analysis; and examine commonly used tools for analyzing business needs following project initiation. The course concludes by identifying critical activities within business analysis that will ensure continuous improvement.


Business Analysis for Project Management: Practices for Later Project Stages

  • identify the subject areas covered in this course
  • describe the components of a scope statement and how to create it
  • recognize the steps involved in creating a business analysis plan
  • describe how flow diagrams can be used to improve project processes
  • describe how the roles and responsibilities matrix can be used to specify ownership of project activities among team members
  • recognize the need to track defects through reviews
  • describe the Failure Mode Effect Analysis method, which is used to detect errors early in the project to ensure quality
  • describe the Cause and Effect Analysis method, which is used to resolve issues early in the project to ensure efficient processes
  • describe the process of performing user acceptance testing to validate the project outcome
  • differentiate between quality assurance and quality control, with specific focus on business analysis
  • recognize the importance of analyzing data to provide insightful information
  • describe the commonly used tools to report business analysis information
  • identify the critical activities within business analysis that will ensure continuous improvement
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course