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(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Software Project Analyst to Senior Software Project Manager     PM Track 3: Software Project Manager

Needs and expectations are easily confused. Project managers must therefore determine client/customer needs while managing expectations. In this 14-video course, learners discover the art of balancing needs and expectations in the context of project management. Begin by learning how to identify and understand client needs. Examine how to collect project requirements with Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK), guidelines, and the importance of separating expectations from requirements. Learn how to categorize client requests so they can be factored into requirements or rejected by categorizing priorities by using the MoSCoW Method (must-haves, should-haves, could-haves, and will not have). Learn how to create a balance between client needs and expectations. Delve into the role of the Project Manager and the importance of well-honed communication skills, and learn how to avoid distracting noise and buzz surrounding modern technology. Identify business needs; use Agile communication to understand needs; and view strategies, including communication best practices, to manage expectations. Finally, discover ways to set client needs and expectations, and learn best practices for resetting stakeholder expectations on projects.


Project Management Needs vs. Expectations

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify client needs and how to understand needs of the client
  • specify how to collect requirements in a project using the PMBOK guidelines
  • understand the importance of separating a client's expectations from their requirements and how to achieve success by focusing on requirements
  • determine how to categorize client requests so they can be factored into requirements or rejected by categorizing priorities using the MoSCoW Method
  • identify the challenge of finding and creating a balance between client needs and expectations
  • define the role of the software Project Manager in helping set expectations for clients
  • determine how to avoid noise and buzz surrounding modern technology that tends to distract clients and distort their focus
  • describe business needs and why they're crucial in software development projects
  • define how Agile software development can assist PMs and clients in reducing distraction and focusing on real needs
  • identify strategies for working toward satisfying client needs and expectations without sacrificing a project
  • describe ways to set client needs and manage their expectations on software projects
  • identify best practices for resetting stakeholder expectations on software projects
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course