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SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Software Development Solution Area     Generic Languages     Classes and Inheritance in Python

Explore implementations of Python classes, methods, and instance and class variables in this 15-video course. Learn how to implement private variables in Python classes and program problems with classes. Key concepts covered here include how to create classes by using Python; how to assign attributes to objects of classes; and how to initialize class variables by using the init special method. Next, you will observe how to initialize values for a class when you create objects; how to pass arguments to initialize the state of a class object; and additional methods in a class, as well as how class variables work. Learners will examine how class variables are different from instance variables and how class variables share memory across objects of a class; and work with variables that have their own memory in each object. Then examine getters and setters for each instance variable; learn to prevent inadvertent modification of instance variables; and learn to create a class to represent a real-world entity. Finally, observe how to parse information to create classes with a dictionary.


Python Classes & Inheritance: Getting Started with Classes in Python

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create a classes using Python
  • assign attributes to objects of classes
  • initialize class variables using the init special method
  • pass arguments to initialize the state of a class object
  • define additional methods in a class
  • recall how class variables work
  • recall how class variables are different from instance variables
  • recall how class variables share memory across objects of a class
  • work with variables that have their own memory in each object
  • define getters and setters for each instance variable
  • prevent inadvertent modification of instance variables
  • create a class to represent a real-world entity
  • parse information to create classes using a dictionary
  • describe the use of the init method in a class, specify why the self argument is passed to methods in a class, differentiate between class and instance variables, and specify how member variables can be made private