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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Python Novice to Pythonista     Pythonista Track 2: Python Apprentice

In this 11-video course, learners explore workings of some of the most widely used sorting algorithms in Python and examine how their performance affects various measures. Key concepts covered here include various properties of sorting algorithms when selecting the right one for your data; the operations involved when sorting a list of values by using the selection sort algorithm; and the process of a bubble sort when applied to a list of values. Next, you will learn about the performance of the bubble sort on various measures such as time, space, and number of swaps; how to describe the steps involved in performing an insertion sort and compare it to the bubble sort; and learn the workings of the shell sort and the performance metrics of this divide and conquer algorithm. Finally, you will learn the process of sorting a list of elements using merge sort and list the complexity of this algorithm on various measures; and learn how the quicksort algorithm partitions and sorts a list of elements.


Data Structures & Algorithms in Python: Sorting Algorithms

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • identify the various properties of sorting algorithms that must be considered when selecting the right one for your data
  • describe the operations involved when sorting a list of values using the Selection Sort algorithm
  • summarize the process of a Bubble Sort when applied to a list of values
  • recall the performance of the Bubble Sort on various measures such as time, space, and number of swaps
  • describe the steps involved in performing an Insertion Sort and compare it to the Bubble Sort
  • outline the workings of the Shell Sort and recall the performance metrics of this divide and conquer algorithm
  • describe the process of sorting a list of elements using Merge Sort and list the complexity of this algorithm on various measures
  • describe how the Quicksort algorithm partitions and sorts a list of elements
  • recall the performance metrics of the Quicksort algorithm
  • describe considerations for picking a sorting algorithm, list the properties of the Insertion Sort algorithm, and summarize the Shell Sort algorithm