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SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Pythonista to Python Master     Python Master Track 1: Python for Developers
All values in Python are classified into data types. One of these, known as complex data types, facilitates using complex numbers. In this course, you'll learn how to work with complex data types in Python.
You'll start by exploring the list data type, which contains an ordered collection of elements. You'll then perform several different operations on lists, such as accessing, adding, and removing elements and implementing slicing operations.
Next, you'll work with tuples and examine how tuples contain an ordered collection of elements but are immutable in nature. You'll also work with sets and dictionaries.
Finally, you'll explore the nuances of the copy operation for complex data types.
When you're finished with this course, you'll be able to use the right Python data type to store your data and perform basic operations using these complex data types.


Python Development: Performing Operations with Complex Data Types

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • create and edit lists
  • implement list indexing and slicing operations
  • perform insert and remove operations on lists
  • use strings as a sequence of characters
  • illustrate the characteristics of tuples
  • illustrate the characteristics of sets
  • perform operations on sets
  • use dictionaries to store data in an associative and unordered format
  • access and edit keys and values in dictionaries
  • recall the differences between shallow copies and deep copies in lists
  • recall the differences between shallow copies and deep copies in tuples
  • recall the differences between shallow copies and deep copies in dictionaries
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course