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SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     Python     Unit Testing in Python

This 10-video course explores advanced features of Python testing uses of the unit-test Framework, and will examine several ways to optimize tests. A labs-only course using Linux Shell, it explores the unit-test framework, the pytest, and the doctest, and how to use them to automate the testing of all the functions in Python applications. You will learn how to bundle common operations for multiple tests into a special function or fixture, which make test scripts easier to view and maintain. Next, you will learn to adjust the scope of fixture functions to execute before each individual test, or to execute just once for the entire test case. Learners will examine how to create and execute a collection of test cases called test suites. You will explore the PyCharm IDE (integrated development environment), which includes support for several different testing frameworks. Finally, you will explore how PyCharm IDE simplifies the creation of tests by generating boilerplate code for test scripts with just a few clicks.


Python Unit Testing: Advanced Python Testing Using the unittest Framework

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize when a test script will benefit from the use of fixture functions
  • use the setUp and tearDown functions to define common operations for tests in a script
  • apply the setUpClass and tearDownClass functions in a Python test script
  • group test cases into a test suite and execute them using a test runner
  • use the makeSuite function to initialize a test suite
  • download, install and configure the PyCharm IDE
  • create a script which uses the unittest framework by using the PyCharm IDE
  • define a script testing out multiple functions in the source using the PyCharm IDE
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course