5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Enriched Web Development with Angular 11     Track 1: Building Web Applications with Angular 11

Angular is a commonly-used language among experienced developers moving into full stack development. Through templating, two-way binding, modularization, RESTful API handling, dependency injection, and AJAX handling, Angular provides the tools needed to build interactive and dynamic single-page applications.

This course elevates a basic working knowledge of Angular by guiding you on some more advanced practices. Learn to create classes in TypeScript and add properties and functions to TypeScript classes. Define decorators in JavaScript and create a simple Angular component. Add templates, styles, and styleUrls to Angular components. Furthermore, investigate binding data with interpolation and ng-bind.

After taking this course, you'll be able to use components in Angular to make the most of this dynamic web framework.


Angular 11: Introduction to Components

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • define object-oriented programming concepts and outline how to create classes in TypeScript and convert TypeScript classes to functions
  • describe how to add private and public properties to a TypeScript class and explain the use of public properties outside the class
  • describe how to add functions to a TypeScript class and explain how to access public property in a class function
  • describe the concept of decorators in TypeScript and how to add decorators to functions, class variables, and classes
  • create a component using the Angular CLI, add the component to a module, and add inline HTML to the component
  • add a multi-line template to an Angular component and an external template to a React component
  • add inline styles to an Angular component template and use style tags to add inline styles
  • add external style and multiple style files to Angular components
  • describe what's meant by binding state variables with interpolation, calling functions and mathematical expressions inside interpolation, the use of "ng-bind" for interpolating data, and the use of ng-bind with different HTML elements
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course