5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     IoT Development     Developing and Implementing IoT Solutions
Explore advanced concepts used to implement IOT devices and how they are applied. During this course, you will learn how to use MicroPython to program the MicroPython board. See how to package the Python module through setup tools, run Python Debugger, and operate the Read, Evaluate, Print, and Loop (REPL) console that lets Python interact with circuit boards. Examine key MicroPython, Pymate, and Pycom circuit board features. Study how to set up a MicroPython board. Watch how to install the Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Compare populare MicroPython-compatible circuit boards. Then, as a review exercise, you will set up and connect a Pyboard via Putty and turn the Pyboard on and off to test it.


Developing and Implementing IoT Solutions: MicroPython Board

  • demonstrate how to package code using the setup tools
  • demonstrate how to debug Python code using Python debugger
  • illustrate how to use REPL console to interact with boards
  • specify the essential features of MicroPython boards
  • set up MicroPython board
  • illustrate the features and capabilities of Pymate and Pycom boards
  • install Arduino IDE
  • specify some of the most popular MicroPython-compatible boards
  • set up and connect Pyboard using Putty and test Pyboard by turning the Pyboard on and off