5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     IoT Development     Developing and Implementing IoT Solutions
Discover how to work with Pyboard and explore the security concerns and approaches for implementing security in IoT devices. During this course, you will learn how to examine Pyboard components and set up network connectivity. Next, study how to program with MicroPython and identify critical MicroPython libraries, such as Array, Ucollection, uhashlib, and more. You will then explore IoT security challenges, security architecture, and the framework for authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA). From there, other topics include how to assess IoT cloud security concerns, such as data compromises, unsecure application programming interfaces (APIs), and denial of service attacks. Then finally, as a review exercise, you will work with several MicroPython libraries.


Developing and Implementing IoT Solutions: MicroPython and Security

  • list all the essential components of Pyboard
  • demonstrate how to load firmware on the Pyboard
  • demonstrate the network setup capabilities of Pyboard
  • program with MicroPython
  • list the critical libraries and functionalities of MicroPython that can be implemented
  • illustrate the vulnerabilities and security implementation on the IoT ecosystem
  • identify the architecture of IoT security
  • demonstrate how to implement AAA frameworks with IoT
  • specify the critical security concerns around the cloud Implementation of IoT
  • use math library to manage numbers, machine library to get CPU frequency, and network library to test network connection