5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Internet and Network Technologies Solution Area     Cloud Computing     Agnostic Serverless Frameworks
Developers and project managers who work on serverless application projects can utilize various open-source serverless frameworks to optimize development and deployment tasks.
Use this course to recognize frameworks for serverless app development and deployment as well as monitoring, troubleshooting, and fine-tuning application performance.
Investigate the prominent tools that help improve development workflows and monitor and debug serverless applications. Explore the critical metrics to identify serverless application performance and the recommended serverless performance and optimization strategies. Then, learn how to configure Sentry to monitor serverless applications.
Upon completion of this course, you'll be able to use several tools, including AWS Chalice, Claudia.js, OpenFaaS, and OpenLambda, to improve the development, deployment, performance, monitoring, and debugging of serverless applications.


Serverless Frameworks: Optimizing Serverless Applications

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • describe the key features, capabilities, and characteristics of AWS Chalice that enable the development of serverless applications
  • install and use the Chalice command line utility to create and deploy basic REST APIs
  • describe the features of Claudia.js and list the alternative frameworks for Claudia.js that can be used to deploy serverless applications
  • deploy simple Node.js microservices to AWS Lambda using Claudia.js
  • recognize the critical features afforded by OpenFaaS along with the architecture and components of OpenFaaS used to manage serverless workflows
  • install OpenLambda and create an OpenLambda environment on Ubuntu
  • describe the features of the prominent tools that help maintain function-based services and improve development workflows
  • recognize the critical metrics that need to be evaluated to identify the performances of serverless applications
  • list and describe the recommended serverless performance and optimization strategies that can be adopted across serverless frameworks and platforms
  • describe the features of the prominent tools that can be used to monitor and debug serverless applications
  • recognize the recommended techniques that can be used to establish trade-off between performances and costs
  • configure Sentry to monitor serverless applications
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course