5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Internet and Network Technologies Solution Area     Cloud Computing     Building and Deploying Serverless Applications on GCP
With the serverless execution environment Google Cloud Functions, application code executes in a fully managed environment, removing the need to provision infrastructure or manage servers.
Using this course, explore the use of Google Cloud Functions, the runtimes it supports, and its frameworks. Examine the features of Cloud Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database along with some common Cloud Functions tests.
Create HTTP functions using Node.js, Python, Java, and Go and deploy Cloud Functions from your local machine, source repository, and GCP console.
Moving along, write background Cloud functions using Cloud Pub/Sub and Cloud Storage triggers and unit tests for the HTTP-triggered and event-driven functions. Use Log Explorer for a variety of tasks and integrate Cloud functions with ReactJS-based applications.
When you're done, you'll be able to use Google Cloud Functions to write simple, single-purpose functions attached to events emitted from cloud infrastructure and services.


Serverless App Development: Applications with Google Cloud Functions

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • outline the key features and use cases of Google Cloud Functions to recognize the appropriate scenarios for using it
  • state the runtimes supported by Cloud Functions and list the different types of Cloud Functions that can be written to run codes with zero server management
  • demonstrate the process of creating HTTP functions using Node.js and Python runtimes
  • demonstrate the process of creating HTTP functions using Java and Go runtimes
  • demonstrate the process of deploying Cloud Functions from the local machine, source repository, and GCP console
  • recognize the key features and components of Google Cloud Functions frameworks
  • list and describe the native trigger mechanisms and the event types supported by those triggers that can be used by Google Cloud Functions
  • write, deploy, and trigger background Cloud functions using Cloud Pub/Sub triggers
  • write, deploy, and trigger background Cloud functions with Cloud Storage triggers to respond to Cloud Storage events
  • compare the features of Cloud Firestore and Firebase Realtime Database to support real-time data syncing
  • set up Cloud Firestore, add data, and view data using the Firestore console
  • describe the testing approaches and the common types of tests that can be adopted to test Cloud Functions
  • write unit tests for the HTTP-triggered and event-driven functions
  • demonstrate the use of Log Explorer in Google Cloud to check the logs generated by Google Cloud services
  • write Cloud functions and integrate them with front-end applications that are written using ReactJS
  • demonstrate the use of Log Explorer in Google Cloud to retrieve audit log entries of Cloud projects
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course