5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Aspire     Software Project Lead to Advanced Scrum Master     Advanced Scrum Master Track 1: Software Project Lead

In this 11-video course, you will explore foundations of the Scrum software project management methodology, and how an organization can make the transition to Scrum. Learners will explore the effectiveness of the Scrum methodology in transforming the developmental process. First, examine how Scrum, an iterative development process, can accommodate changes in scope. Then learn about several benefits of Scrum, including the leveraging of automation, and how incremental changes from one iteration to the next improves quality. You will examine the Scrum framework, an iterative process which focuses heavily on team collaboration. Next, you will learn the three key Scrum roles: product owner, Scrum master, and the Scrum team. Then examine the three key artifacts in Scrum: the product backlog, the product requirements, and the sprint backlog. This course discusses the five Scrum activities: the sprint, sprint planning, sprint review, daily Scrum, and the sprint retrospective. Finally, you will learn tips for introducing Scrum to an organization, and how to describe a Scrum and Agile methodology.


Scrum Foundations: Transitioning to Scrum

  • discover the key concepts covered in this course
  • recognize the effectiveness of the Scrum methodology for transforming the developmental process
  • describe the benefits of Scrum
  • describe the Scrum framework
  • recognize Scrum roles and the part they play in the Scrum methodology
  • describe how the various Scrum roles interact with each other
  • describe Scrum artifacts
  • describe the key Scrum activities
  • describe how various Scrum activities work together for successful Scrum
  • describe methods for introducing Scrum to an organization with the intent of improving processes and quality
  • summarize the key concepts covered in this course