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SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Curricula     Internet and Network Technologies Solution Area     Security Solutions     Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v11

Being an ethical hacker means, in some ways, that you'll need to assume the identity of a bad hacker. In this course, you'll learn what it means to be a hacker, the common hacker classes, and the five phases of hacking. As an ethical hacker, you may encounter those that don't understand what that means and how a person can use seemingly dangerous skills towards an ethical purpose. You'll examine ethical hacking and how it can be a great tool for helping to create a more secure network. You'll also explore skills and limitations common to ethical hackers. This course is one in a series that helps to prepare you for the Certified Ethical Hacker v11 (312-50) exam.


CEH v11: Hacking Phases & Concepts

  • define the common hacker classes
  • describe the differences between the five phases of hacking
  • identify the five phases of hacking
  • recognize what is means to be a hacker
  • describe ethical hacking and how it differs from malicious hacking
  • identify the limitations and responsibilities an ethical hacker faces that do not apply to malicious hackers
  • recall and identify the skills that are commonly needed by ethical hackers