5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Security     Security Accreditations and Best Practice     Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) v11

Having knowledge of a target's physical location can be useful for social engineering and physical security assessments. In this course, you'll explore tools and tactics used to learn a target's geographical location. Next, you'll examine how conducting Open Source Intelligence on social media sites can yield sensitive information through direct investigation or social engineering. You'll move on to learn how to utilize job posts and job boards to search out useful target info like what technologies are being used, names of legitimate users, and areas they may be weak due to lack of staffing. Finally, you'll explore the large portion of the Internet that consists of the dark and deep webs and how these mostly unseen resources can be used to discover potentially sensitive info about a target. This course is one in a series that helps to prepare you for the Certified Ethical Hacker v11 (312-50) exam.


CEH v11: Recon Tools & Tactics

  • identify tools that can provide details about the physical location of a target
  • recognize tactics that can be used against a geographical location of a target
  • conducting Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) searches on social media sites
  • recognizing how social media sites can yield sensitive information through investigation or through social engineering
  • using tools to do Open Source Intelligence (OSINT) searches on social media sites
  • utilize job posts and job boards to search out useful target info like what technologies are being used
  • describe how to use the mostly unseen resources on the internet to discover potentially sensitive information about a target
  • describe the large portion of the internet and how to use those mostly unseen resources
  • recognize the different portions of the internet