5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Professional Certifications     Microsoft     Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA): Web Applications     70-486 Developing ASP.NET MVC Web Applications
Discover how to create databases and administer access to model classes using Entity Framework.


ASP.NET MVC Web Applications: Databases & Entity Framework

  • use a database initializer class with Entity Framework 6 to create and seed a SQL Server Express database with sample data in an ASP.NET MVC web application
  • use MVC Scaffolding to create a controller with actions and views that can be used to add new records to a SQL Server Express database
  • use MVC Scaffolding to create a controller with actions and views that can be used to read existing records in a SQL Server Express database
  • use MVC Scaffolding to create a controller with actions and views that can be used to edit existing records in a SQL Server Express database
  • use MVC Scaffolding to create a controller with actions and views that can be used to delete existing records from a SQL Server Express database
  • connect an ASP.NET MVC web application to a SQL Server Compact 4.0 database in Visual Studio 2017
  • connect an ASP.NET MVC web application to a Windows Azure SQL database in Visual Studio 2017
  • use the Entity Framework database-first approach to produce MVC models, controllers, and views from a connected SQL Server Compact 4.0 database in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • use the Entity Framework model-first approach to generate a SQL Server database in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • use the Entity Framework code-first approach to generate a SQL Server Express database from an MVC model class in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • use a LINQ to Entities query with method syntax to retrieve data from a connected SQL Server Compact 4.0 database in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • use a LINQ to Entities query with a combination of method and query syntax to retrieve data from a connected SQL Server Compact 4.0 database in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • create a data repository class, and use a data repository class to implement data management logic in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017
  • use Entity Framework to generate a SQL Server database in an ASP.NET MVC web application in Visual Studio 2017