5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Business Skills     Professional Effectiveness     Professional Essentials     Perseverance at Work
Business today is a complex undertaking. Accomplishing tasks an staying focused on achieving your goals requires grit and persistence. An adaptive mindset helps you focus through the distractions, information overload, demanding pace, and the accompanying stresses that can often pull you off task.
In this course, you'll learn to develop personal resiliency, adaptability, and perseverance. You'll explore the resources and people it takes to sustain perseverance, and you'll discover actions to help you build a work-life balance, sharpen your focus, and foster the resilience perseverance to face and overcome setbacks.


Advancing with Perseverance and Resilience

  • recognize what it takes to persevere
  • recognize examples of self-trust that support and sustain perseverance
  • choose the people to include in your circle of trust
  • recognize the characteristics of resiliency
  • use strategies for resilience to improve your perseverance
  • recognize actions that help you build balance and sharpen focus in the workplace
  • identify actions to regain resilience
  • recognize how to persevere in the face of setbacks