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SkillSoft Explore Course

IT Skills     Software Design and Development     Python     Python Fundamentals
Frameworks provide a way to create powerful web applications in Python. In this course, you will learn about the Django and TurboGears frameworks for developing web applications.


The Django Framework for Python

  • start the course
  • describe the key features of the Django framework
  • install and configure the Django framework
  • create a Django project
  • configure the Django web server
  • create a sample Django app
  • incorporate views and templates in an app
  • use Django to include data in a Python web application
  • utilize forms in a Python web application

The TurboGears Framework for Python

  • describe the key features of the TurboGears framework
  • install and configure the TurboGears framework
  • incorporate TurboGears templates into a Python web app
  • incorporate TurboGears views into a Python web app
  • create and use a controller in a Python web app
  • describe rendering and how it is used in TurboGears
  • use TurboGears to include data in a Python web application
  • use RESTful URLs in TurboGears

The Flask Web Framework for Python

  • describe the key features of Flask
  • create a basic Flask application
  • incorporate a template into a Flask app
  • work with web forms in a Flask project
  • connect to and retrieve data using a Flask app

Practice: Working with Web Frameworks

  • use Django to create a view for a Python web application