5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Virtual Practice Labs     Virtual CodeX     CodeX
Practice Blockchain Application Developer tasks such as working with cryptographic functions, developing, compiling and deploying a smart contract in Remix. You will also set up a private Ethereum network. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after interacting with a deployed smart contract.
This lab provides access to tools typically used by Blockchain Application Developers, including:
� Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
� NPM/Node
� Git
� Ethereum
� Geth
� Chrome
o Remix-Ethereum IDE - https://remix.ethereum.org/
o MetaMask Extension
� VS Code
o Solidity module added
This lab is part of the Blockchain Application Developer track of the Aspire Blockchain Application Developer to Blockchain Solutions Architect journey.