5910 Breckenridge Pkwy Suite B, Tampa, FL. 33610
(800) 272-0707

SkillSoft Explore Course

Virtual Practice Labs     Virtual CodeX     CodeX
Perform Enterprise Developer tasks such as building a Kanban board, using Confluence, using sourse code version control and code checking with Bitbucket Pipelines and SonarCloud. Then, test your skills by answering assessment questions after automating builds with Jenkins, using Azure Repos with VS Code, and testing with SonarQube and Jenkins.
This lab provides access to tools typically used by Enterprise Developers, including:
� Oracle JDK (version 14.0.1)
� Eclipse IDE for Enterprise Java Developers (version 2020-03: 4.15.0)
� Visual Studio Code
� Apache Maven (version 3.6.3)
� Apache JMeter (version 5.2.1)
� SonarQube (version 8.3)
� Git (version 2.26.2)
� Jenkins (version 2.222.3)
This lab is part of the Enterprise Developer track of the Aspire Enterprise Developer to DevOps Engineer journey.